Friday, November 9, 2012

What if she's an angel

          It seems like everyone is constantly rushing to get on to the next part of their life...a better job, a higher paying career, a different apartment, school, marriage, kids...whatever it may be. I think its good to have an idea of where you want your life to go; but, why be in such a hurry to reach the destination that you miss the journey. How many things would you actually miss if your entire life changed right now? We all complain about jobs...about having to work in general; but, then when we leave that job-and all the people that come along with it, we realize how much we are leaving behind. We never stop to enjoy life right now...exactly the way that it is. Sure, I have a job that bores me to tears...but I work with some of the greatest and most amazing PEOPLE that I truly would miss dearly. Why wait until its gone to start missing it-or appreciating it. We take the little things for granted...especially the people that are in our lives due to circumstance rather than choice. 
          I wonder how much we actually know about the people that we spend everyday with. Do you see the heartache or are we just consumed with our own problems. I believe some people are put into our lives just to help us remember to stop and appreciate the things we do have. Its always hard to wonder what we could have done differently or how we could have tried harder to help those around us...the ones who really needed it. Although its not our responsibility to define the happiness that comes into the lives of our peers, we should at least try to contribute to it. Love is a want for everyone sure, but more than that it is a NEED. Everyone needs to feel loved. What happens when that stops...when you've been betrayed or let down so many times that you actually believe you will never be loved by anyone...and how must that feel. To not be able to trust anyone is possibly the biggest burden someone could ever carry, and yet we do the same thing over and over to the people around us...we write them off or let things slide when we KNOW they need more. How many people slide through life doing just enough to get by...because its easier-or because selfishness consumes us. 
          There are experiences in life that make us lose faith...and its sad-its hard, it really is; but, it defines the kind of person we truly will become. I have met people who refuse to forgive OR forget and who live the rest of their life bitter and afraid...of love, of trusting...of needing. On the other hand, I have also met people who let experiences make them stronger and maybe are a little more careful the next time around-but don't give up. When things happen to you, its hard to know which path to take. Certainly there are things to be angry and HURT about...and sometimes the hurt is so deep it could consume you for the rest of your life-if you choose to let it. But, it is really hard to try and learn and move open up risk having the same thing happen. So do you let fear shape you...and the way you treat new people-do you hurt them because you can't forgive whats happened in the past, or do you try again. Some people just can't face the possibility of starting over and choose to end it all. 
          Decision are what shape us...our lives...the person we choose to be and the person we become. Its something everyone has to learn to do. Its something that I struggle with immensely...but know that I have to face. And the thing is, our decisions really don't just affect us...they affect everyone around us-especially those closest to us. How hard it is not to wish that you could change the decisions of the people around you.

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